Oscar Leong

Assistant Professor

Department of Statistics and Data Science

University of California, Los Angeles


My Google Scholar page 


About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Statistics and Data Science department at UCLA. Previously, I was a von Kármán Instructor at Caltech in the Computing + Mathematical Sciences department, hosted by Venkat Chandrasekaran, where I also worked closely with Katie Bouman and the Computational Cameras group. I completed my PhD from Rice University in Computational and Applied Mathematics under the supervision of Paul Hand and was an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. I received my undergraduate degree in Mathematics from Swarthmore College. 

My research interests lie in the mathematics of data science, inverse problems, machine learning, and optimization. Much of my work concerns solving signal recovery problems with approaches inspired by deep learning and uses tools from high dimensional probability, convex and star geometry, random matrix theory, and optimization to develop provable recovery guarantees.

Family: my wife, Wani, is in developmental psychology. We welcomed our first daughter, Gemma, in May of 2023.

Selected papers



Here is a video of my oral presentation at NeurIPS 2018 on our Deep Phase Retrieval paper along with a link to a 3 minute summary of our work: